李孝萱 1959年4月生。天津市人。天津美术学院中国画系毕业。现为天津美术学院中国画系副教授。作品参加全国历届重要展览,并为韩国现代美术馆、广州美术馆、深圳美术馆、中国国家画院、台湾长江艺术中悯以及新加坡斯民艺苑等收藏。作品出版有《中国当代名画家手稿——李孝萱》、《从写实到荒诞、李孝萱和他的现代水墨》、《当代名家花鸟精品——李孝萱》等。发表主要论文有《说画二则》、《自言自语》、《一条线的流风》、《真实·心态·创造》、《挖掘现世本源与肯定语言的过程》等。
1959 Born in Hanhu, Tianjin Province, China
1982 Graduated from the traditional Chinese painting department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
1985 Invited to working as a Professor in the same academy after graduation 2000 “New China Art Exhibition”, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai and Nanjing Art Museum
2000 The 2nd International Ink Painting Biennale of Shenzhen - Metropolitan Ink Painting Ex-hibition ”, Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen
2001“Masterworks of Chinese Paintings: The Last 100 Years” exhibition, National Art Mus-eum of China, Beijing
2002“The 3rd International Ink-Painting Biennale of Shenzhen - Metropolis Ink-Painting Exhibition”, Guan Shanyue Museum, Shenzhen 2003 “Exhibition of New Freehand Chinese Ink Paintings by Invited Artists 2003”, Yanhuang Art Museum, Beijing
2004“Exhibition of New Freehand Chinese Ink Paintings by Invited Artists 2004”, National Art Museum of China Currently, Li is a professor and tutor to the M.A. students in the traditional Chinese painting department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and a member of the Chinese Artists Association.